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This is what it looks like; it is the two rpm meters.

And this is it with a gauge version showing too.

    See the sourceforge main files list here.

To use this you will also require fam, and download my C++ wrapper fam++.
Also ensure that you have GNOME, and libGlade installed.

This applet uses fam to track the file aswell as the timeout interval. If you are monitoring a file that can use fam and have the imon patch in your kernel then set the interval to a very high value (eg: 5mins).


The available properties for this applet are shown below.

Display style chooses between a dial and a gauge as shown in the panel screenshots at the
top of this page. Update interval will force a display update after a selected amount of
milliseconds. Min and Max let you change the gauge/dial min and max values. I set these
to 20 and 60 so that I can easily see the temp of my CPU core.
Hold max value if checked will make the applet hold the max displayed value instead of
showing the current value, great if you are only interested in the peak values. If you click the
applet itself with the left button it will reset the max read value to 0, which effectively clears the max history.

This is where you can set the filename that is being monitored and the row/column to rip out of the file and show as the current value of the panel applet.